December 13, 2012

Furniture Club at IMM Cologne, 17th January 2013

Make valuable contacts at our "Come together" in the Business-Lounge

Thursday, 17th January 2013 from 1 to 6 p.m.

“Business-Lounge IMM Cologne‚Äù at Europasaal (between halls 10/11)

„Furniture Club ‚Äì Made in Germany e.V.“ acts as a „one-stop-shop“ to international decision makers looking for competitive furniture manufacturers or suppliers:

  • Tailor-made sourcing for furniture retail, the furniture industry and for contract business.
  • Personal contacts to managers of the German furniture industry.

In co-operation with our foster member Koelnmesse, we have the pleasure to invite you to meet in a casual ambience with decision makers of leading German furniture manufacturers and suppliers.

Please contact us info[at] to receive your personal invitation. As this event is on invitation only, please show your invitation card at the entrance of the business lounge.