November 26, 2014

Invitation: British-German Furniture Breakfast

on 22nd January 2015 at imm cologne


Are you a decision maker who is interested in winning competitive German suppliers for the British furniture retail, the furniture industry and for contract business? In cooperation with our associate member Koelnmesse, we cordially invite you to our "British-German Furniture Breakfast"

on Thursday, 22nd January 2015 from 08:30 to 10:00 a.m.
in the “Europasaal‚Äù at the “Global Networking Lounge imm cologne‚Äù (between halls 10/11).

The “Furniture Breakfast‚Äù offers you a special opportunity to make personal contacts with company owners and leading managers of the German furniture industry ‚Äì Furniture Club members as well as other companies. You can find further information on Furniture Club and the company profiles of our members on this homepage. Please contact us and inform us of your particular interests.

We shall be delighted to welcome you to our "British-German Furniture Breakfast". Please fill in the attached registration form and send it via email to or via fax to +49-231-914435-44. You will receive your personal invitation card for the "Furniture Breakfast". Participation is free of charge, the number of participants is limited.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you in Cologne!